Default Site Contact for Project
You are now able to set a default site contact for each delivery address set in a project. Meaning a project with multiple delivery addresses could have a different default site contact for each address. This will then automatically populate the site contact field on the purchase order, however can be amended when raising the PO if required.
Advanced P/O Improvements
We have made some changes to advanced P/Os to make this experience smoother for our customers.
You can now add P/O attachments stored in LiveCosts to an advanced PO.
You can also now add line items from a template to an advanced PO.
We have added the functionality for users to be able to copy split line items in an advanced PO.
We have also added in an “invoiced” amount column, allowing you to compare the invoiced quantities to the initial order quantities on an advanced PO.
Approval Status in Xero when Invoice Posting
You can now select the approval status (draft/awaiting approval/awaiting payment) for an invoice landing in Xero when posting from LiveCosts.
Linked Costs
This feature will link a phase cost that arrives and is processed in a source company to a phase cost in a destination company. It is only available to multi-organisation companies.