Employee Index
Now when viewing the employee list you can filter by log in types as well as permission sets
Allows you to see how many users you have with different seats in the app.
Xero Client Invoices now Recognises Credit Notes
When importing client invoices into LiveCosts you will also see any credited amounts showing the updated value rather than the original client invoice value.
Advanced Invoice Tax Rounding
We have now added tax rounding into the advanced invoice view meaning if the tax value is slightly out in the advanced invoices you are able to manually adjust this.
Ability to set Default Account and Tracking Categories in Project
You are now able to set a default account code and tracking category option for projects in LiveCosts. The default allows for quicker and easier posting of invoices and the defaults can be amended when the invoice is posted if needed.
Tracking Category for AUS Timesheets
We now sync timesheets to Xero for Australian based companies and you with this comes the posting of a tracking category against the time entry. Please see the help centre article for more information on getting your LiveCosts set up for posting timesheets.