Cost to Complete
Cost to Complete is a new ‘additional’ Cost, like Starting Balance. It is used to anticipate Phase costs that have not yet been incurred.
They are setup in Settings:
They appear in the Cost Log and are tracked on the Project as a Additional Cost, shown in blue. Additional Costs include :
Starting Balance
Linked Costs
Cost to Complete
P/O Look up
Looking for P/O numbers has got easier by showing all available P/O's and their values
Variation Improvements
Project now have a starting contract value that can be altered through variations. Great feature to follow budget changes and CV change in one place.
Xero Accounting status
Set an account default when posting invoices. Go to settings and find a new "Xero Settings" card. Set to invoice defaults to "Draft", "Awaiting Approval" or "Awaiting Payment"
P/O Subject Line
You can now edit the default subject line of the P/O email to Suppliers. Note the 2 tags if you want them: {po_number} and {company_name}
Users with restricted Projects were unable to create full Timesheets. They had to create individual Time Entries. Now they can, and the restricted Project information is hidden.
When saving a Linked Cost, you can “Save and Create another”. The next form is populated with a copy of the previous form, making entry easier.