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Supplier Import

Bulk import Suppliers

Niall Brennan avatar
Written by Niall Brennan
Updated over a week ago

To Bulk import supplier into LiveCosts follow our guide below

  1. Populate the Livecosts Supplier import CSV template. This can be found in the suppliers area or download the file here

LiveCosts CSV

Sage CSV

Account Number

AccountReference ( ie CHAD1 )

Supplier Name


Supplier Description

optional field

Website URL

optional field

Account Name

DefaultNominal ( ie 5000 )

Default Tax Rate Name

DefaultVATCode ( ie T1 )

2. The location and contact details are optional on the Livecosts CSV. The contacts here would be the contacts that you would send purchase orders to.

3. Once the CSV is complete save it and go to to Supplier Import

4. Choose you file and click Next

5. LiveCosts will check for error and if there are none click "Finished"

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